Fifth Graders Sample Books

Last week, the 5th grade ELA classrooms at Dogwood Elementary underwent a transformation into 'book bistros,' reminiscent of cozy cafes, setting the stage for an upcoming year-long reading initiative. This initiative aims to ignite students' passion for reading. The anticipation is building as students are in the process of selecting titles for the eagerly awaited culminating event—May Madness.

During this engaging "book tasting" event, fifth graders had the opportunity to "sample" a collection of 32 carefully curated books, thoughtfully chosen by Ms. Fredrick and Mrs. Guynes for the annual May Madness contest. Throughout the academic year, students will have the option to delve into these selections.

At the end of the school year, the students will collectively cast their votes to determine the ultimate champion among fifth-grade books. The bistro setting was organized by genre, offering students a brief time to explore the front and back covers, peruse inside flaps, and glance through the books displayed at each table, fostering initial connections.

Taking notes on their personalized "menus," the fifth graders chronicled their impressions of the books that caught their attention. Once the tasting concluded, participants were invited to select one book to enjoy, all while snacking on cookies and punch. Linda Frederick shared, "All the students had a great time, and many found a book in a genre that they may never have considered before."